New book claims Queen frontman took princess to nightspot dressed as a male model
Comedienne Cleo Rocos says in her new book, The Power of Positive Drinking, that she,
Mercury and fellow comedian Kenny Everett dressed Diana in an army jacket, cap and
sunglasses for a night out at gay haunt the Royal Vauxhall Tavern, in South London.
Rocos says they met the princess at Everett's penthouse and revealed their plans to go to a
gay pub later in the evening.
"Freddie told her we were going to the Royal Vauxhall Tavern, a notorious gay bar in London.
Diana said she had never heard of it and said she'd like to come," says Rocos.
"Now this was not a good idea. 'It's not for you,' said Kenny, 'it's full of hairy gay men.
Sometimes there are fights outside.' This didn't put her off in the slightest.
"When we walked in... we felt she was obviously Princess Diana and would be discovered at
any minute.
"But people seemed to blank her. She sort of disappeared but she loved it."
Rocos says regulars' attention was diverted to her, Mercury and Everett and the princess was
able to order drinks and enjoy the night out.
The Princess of Wales was killed in a car crash in Paris and 1997 and Mercury died in 1991
after an Aids-related illness.
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